Food Church Workshop
I will teach you the counter economic strategy I have in place that makes the Food Church bridge between eaters, farmers, ranchers, and artisans the alternative solution to the centralized distribution system that is built on unsustainable practices and is currently collapsing.
Actionable Training
Once you have the structure in place for the methodology, the rest begins to fall into place more easily. It is based on MATH not MAGIC.
Unique Scenarios
I will help you tailor this methodology to your location, infrastructure, and vision to operate your personal business. This is not a franchise or cookie cutter business.
Experienced Guidance
We are operating on the leading edge of the industry. There are only a few examples to follow so there is a lot that requires creation. After 12 years immersed on the leading, bleeding edge, I have been forged in the art of pivoting.
My Workshop
This is a 101 Food Church Methodology Workshop. It will help you improve your current operation or allow you to decide to become an affiliate to our program where you would receive full access to us as your Food Church Coach to help you set up and manage your personalized Food Church operation for every year you continue to renew your affiliation.