OCTOBER | 2016 We had the pleasure of hosting the VAXXED Team here in Raleigh. Watch the video we made with the Vaxxed Team to hear WHY we do this. 

FEBRUARY | 2017 Niti launched her podcast "Niti The FARMacist". The first 20 episodes are a gift to any new family interested in joining the Community Supported Farming program she originally launched in 2009. These episodes allow you to get to know her, her family & the producers she works with. This podcast is also meant to serve the community in a way that coaches eaters how to be Regenerative Eaters around the globe. Find her podcast anywhere you enjoy tuning in to podcasts or by scrolling down on this page where you will find links to each episode.

JULY 25, 2017 | had the pleasure of being interviewed by Dr. Tatiana Irwin on Solutionary TV- Dr. Tatiana and Niti Bali speak candidly about the toxicity of industrialized American food, the disillusionment of organic certification and how an individual can educate themselves about where to get untainted, vitalized, living food for themselves and their families.  

APRIL 2nd | 2018 The Philanthropy Journal featured a story about us. CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW to read the story

JANUARY | 2018 Niti launched her YouTube Channel called "Our View" Featuring Niti The FARMacist and her Cohostesses, Jenae Williams & Valerie Cruz. This first season includes 18 episodes in a conversation around the browning of the earth and how that is affecting our lives and the health of society current day. These episodes are a gift to any new family interested in joining Niti's Community Supported Farming program she originally launched in 2009. These episodes allow you to get to know her, regenerative minded business owners she partners with & the farming or ranching food producers she works with. This podcast is also meant to serve the community in a way that coaches eaters how to be Regenerative Eaters around the globe. Click on the show logo below to open her YouTube channel so you can tune in now.

JANUARY 17th | 2019 Joel Salatin Blogs about Niti's new book, to be released in late Spring of 2019, called "Farm to Fork Meat Riot | Regenerating Life Giving Force #GetOutOfTheGroceryStore". CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW to read his musings.

JANUARY 25th | Inaugural Rogue Food Conference 2020, Marriott Cincinnati Airport, Hebron, KY

JUNE 20, 2020 - Niti Bali was on the MeatRx podcast with Dr. Shawn Baker. Click the link below to play the video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTnxAe2navk

MAY 3, 2021 | Nicole Sauce invited Niti Bali to join her on her Fantastic Podcast called Living Free in Tennessee EPISODE 425 – FOCUS ON NUTRITION WITH NITI BALI. Click her logo below to tune into that awesome conversation. 

Episode-2779- Niti Bali Gaining Health Independence

November 2021 - "TAKE BACK YOUR HEALTH" - Article


Aug 7, 2022 Who is Niti The FARMacist? 

Click the link above to play the interview with Mike Dickson, A.K.A. The Fit Farmer, interviews Niti.