Ingredients: Never been sprayed beets, real salt, distilled water.
  • Earthy
  • Hydrating Healthy Sports Drink without the sugar and MSG
  • Blood and Liver Tonic
  • Super Oxygenating 
  • Aids Digestion
  • Probiotic
  • Source of whole spectrum, natural iodine
  • Radiation detoxer
What is Beet Kvass?

Here in my kitchen, we call it blood of the earth. Indeed I do taste the earth when I sip this crimson liquid. Beet Kvass is an age-old tonic associated with many health benefits including efficient hydration. Fermented beverages are the original sports drinks. Like other lacto-fermented drinks, kvass is more hydrating than even water. In order to remain hydrated, our bodies require a balance of electrolytes. Cultured beverages like kvass help restore this balance without the sugar and preservatives of modern “sport drinks”.

Beet Kvass is traditionally heralded as a blood and liver tonic. And indeed this ancestral knowledge is meted out in science. In fact, beets are high in betacyanin which can dramatically increase the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood. This medicinal beverage is a fantastic way to start the day. Rehydrating in the morning with this alkalizing beverage is a great way to start the day with a bang. The clear thought processes that are stimulated along with the energy boost provided by this earthy medicine can not be beat. Use it as a substitute for coffee or juice with your breakfast every day.

Personally, beet kvass gives me a feeling of energy and clarity. It is not a drink you will probably CRAVE like coffee- but it will be something you can enjoy once you have incorporated it into your routine and you experience the clarity and high performance it offers you as you start your busy day. I LOVE beets and the taste of beet kvass. 

If you don’t love the taste but do want the health benefits of this tonic, try adding some spice to it in the same way you would season a bloody mary mix- think of this as your REAL FOOD version of a V-8!!  

You can also use it to make soup in lieu of tomato sauce.  You can even use it to make a virgin ‘dirty martini’ or ‘bloody mary’. The taste is perfect for these concoctions and a big hit at any dinner party I’ve ever had. If you do want to add the vodka you will find that your recovery after an evening socializing is far easier to recover from when using beet kvass instead of the canned and jarred grocery store alternatives.