Niti the Farm(acist)'s Cancer Killer Drink Recipe

The power of lacto-fermented foods & beverages is undeniable.In this case, the beet kvass is working to help increase your ability to absorb the powerful medicine from the wheat grass as efficiently as possible.This drink reverses autoimmunity by reducing inflammation, reinoculating the gut biome & as a vessel to deliver the vitamin and mineral power of 12 servings of green veggies!
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Why Regenerative Agriculture? Cool the Planet. Feed the World.

If you’ve never heard about the amazing potential of regenerative agriculture and land use practices to naturally sequester a critical mass of CO2 in the soil and forests, you’re not alone. One of the best-kept secrets in the world today is that the solution to global warming and the climate crisis (as well as poverty and deteriorating public health) lies right under our feet, and at the end of our knives and forks. Eat REAL FOOD from REAL FARMS that is rich in micronutrition (grass) to save the SOIL and planet and your health!
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Ominvore's Delight

I made up this cancer killer dish for a special VIP dinner I was catering for Dr. Greg Barnes. I hope you all enjoy it as much as the dinner guests did tonight.
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Easy Peasy Pot Roast

Make sure your roast is well thawed and then rinse and pat dry before searing in the cast iron pan. Stainless steel can also work, but it is a mess to clean unless you are sure to use a good amount of fat. I like to use bacon grease to sear beef. It gives it an incredible and Smokey flavor that is out of this world!
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Dry Rub Pork Belly Roast

When life brings extra chaos into our home, I use fats to keep our body & mind balanced to recover more quickly from the added stress. 
  • Extra long work days due to project deadlines or start ups
  • Seasonal transitions beginning & end of school year
  • Exam time, Crunch time
  • Recovering from illness or injury
Think of this dish like bacon on steroids. It will have a crispy outside and melt in your mouth inside. BONUS: Pork belly is typically much cheaper than bacon and more sustainable for us to offer fresh off the farm.
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Homemade Bacon using our FRESH PORK BELLY

New Pasture Family Pork Bellies are fresh and DELICIOUS! They are also a rare treat so get one if you can!
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How do you know how big the shrimp will be?

How do you know how big the shrimp will be?

Shrimp are sold based on their size. The sizes are designated by determining how many shrimp you should expect to find in a pound. For example: 21/25 = you will have 21 to 25 shrimp in a pound.
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Oyster Heaven

Oyster Heaven

Whether you love them raw, fried, or on the half shell, oysters can provide you with a host of health benefits, among them, high levels of heart- and brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids and enough zinc (the aphrodisiac mineral) to keep your mojo flowing all night.

There are 10 calories in 1 RAW Oyster from our offerings.

Calorie breakdown: 34% fat, 24% carbs, 42% protein.

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Paleo-Nightshade Free Chili

More nightshade free recipes here!  This chili is superkalafrajalisticexpealidocious!
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Organic does not mean HEALTHY in all cases.  

Organic agriculture produces products using methods that preserve the environment and avoid most synthetic materials, such as pesticides and antibiotics. USDA organic standards describe how farmers grow crops and raise livestock and which materials they may use.

Organic farmers, ranchers, and food processors follow a defined set of standards to produce organic food and fiber. Congress described general organic principles in the Organic Foods Production Act, and the USDA defines specific organic standards. These standards cover the product from farm to table, including soil and water quality, pest control, livestock practices, and rules for food additives.

Organic farms and processors:

Preserve natural resources and biodiversity
Support animal health and welfare
Provide access to the outdoors so that animals can exercise their natural behaviors
Only use approved materials
Do not use genetically modified ingredients
Receive annual onsite inspections
Separate organic food from non-organic food
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Beet based Lasagna- NIGHTSHADE FREE FOOD

We consume very limited amounts of nightshades in our home.  Nightshades cause inflammation and when you are working hard to heal your gut it helps to remove nightshades from your diet.  Nightshade fruit & veggies also contribute to arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.  Once you are healed you can re-introduce them in limited amounts but I'm not sure I feel the need to go back to them. Nightshades include tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes (*not tubers like sweet potatoes), sweet & hot peppers, ground cherries and goji berries.

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Niti’s version of Fermented Wheat Free Cast Iron Corn Bread

I like to ferment any grains we consume.  Soaking them in cultured raw dairy naturally produces an acidic environment that will pre-digest those grains for us. Fermentation naturally neutralizes anti-nutrients. Fermentation will naturally increase the vitamin content of your grains, giving you a more nourishing food product. Fermentation naturally decreases the starchiness of grains as the friendly organisms eat it up and produce acids.
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Niti's Chicken & Kale Soup Recipe

We sampled soup and salad yesterday at Maximized Living's Health Revolution 2015 featuring Dr. Hardick. Many of you asked for the chicken and kale soup recipe so here it is! Bon Appétit!
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Are you eating pesticides?

Are you eating pesticides? Canola oil is the #1 ingredient in bug killers. Are you still using canola oil?
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Raw Pet Food

Several of the CSA members have been asking lately about the raw pet food we offer. I asked some veterinarians about it and none of them felt that raw pet pork could hurt dogs; they rather recommend real meat over the imitation pet food.
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Talking Chicken and Eggs

I think it is interesting when I open magazines or go online to find a good recipe and everything goes back to chicken. I find it more interesting that all the recipes call for one chicken breast per person! Nobody needs to eat that much chicken; especially just the breast pieces. I know most of my members know that a whole chicken is more sustainable and affordable than the pieces. It really does not make sense to cut the bird up. Cooking it all together brings out the most flavors and textures that everyone can enjoy in a meal. The only reason I offer cut up chicken is for what Americans love the most- convenience.

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Welcome to Farm to Fork Meat!

Welcome to Farm to Fork Meat!
I hope to use this blog as a tool to get everyone out there thinking about your family’s health and about what is going on in our country when it comes to basic human rights such as the right to choose what to eat or drink. I am not interested in doing this to get everyone to join my CSA- I can’t feed everyone and my CSA doesn’t fit everyone’s lifestyle. You can however benefit from new perspectives and I hope to offer you a slant that may cause you to have a spark about the way you nourish your family or the way you advocate for anything you feel passionate about in this lifetime.
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